Legal notice

Ocean Sounds is registered as an environmental charity in Germany (Ocean Sounds e.V VR721563 since 2014) and has the following aims:

1. Ocean Sounds Research

1a. focuses on the biology and vocal communication of whales and dolphins in different places of the world. 
Currently we have 3 projects: Whales in Lofoten (since 2003), Norway, Whales in Patagonia (2008-2010), Chile and Whales in Raja Ampat, Indonesia (2015). 
Our research builds a foundation for an understanding and protection of unique marine ecosystems. We use our research results to give advice to government, businesses and organizations, create lectures, courses, projects and products.

1b. Cooperation Research we cooperate with other research institutes or environmental organizations. We help our partners with our research knowledge, e.g. Norwegian Eco-tourism, or Scientific tourism in Patagonia, Chile to introduce sustainable and responsible tourism.

2. Education

we believe that research results should be accessible to the public, and should be used to educate students about marine animals and their fragile environment.
We offer University and School projects, lectures, courses and Bachelor and Master projects.

3. Art projects

Through Art we try to build a bridge between the often dry and hard to swallow research results and the interest of people. In a creative way we want to introduce a deeper understanding of the complexity of the marine ecosystem and the human impact to trigger responsible behavior. To do this we work directly with artists to join our projects or organize workshops and festivals.

“Ocean Sounds  promotes continuous awareness, understanding, and commitment, to build a bridge between nature and people”


Post: : Julius-Hoelder-Strasse 12, 70597 Stuttgart, Germany  

Tel +49-711-5409949

registered c/o Ehret.Grau.Partner Steuerberater mbB
Erlenstr. 18, 73663 Berglen, Germany


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